Monday, March 9, 2009

Words are powerful. I am a woman of power. Indeed.

This past February, I attended the 4th Annual Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit at the fabulous Ritz Carlton in Orlando. It was my first time attending, and certainly not my last.

OK... let me say the staff at Black Enterprise under the guidance of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Graves sure know how to plan, promote and execute an outstanding event. I had the BEST time.

Everything about the conference was memorable; the food was freakin' delicious; the keynote speakers, especially, Robin Roberts was the B-O-M-B. ... awe inspiring; morning workout with Dr. Amin ( too much sexy in the morning) was uplifting and tiring; the modules ranged from reinvention to retirement. Trust me ... well worth the investment.

My Top Reasons Why You Should Attend

1. You are a woman of power. Act like it.
2) Networking. Deals are made.
3)Golf, tennis, Spa anyone?
4)Power workout AM session
5)You are not alone in your phase, struggle and success
6)Hear from the best about re-invention, packaging, loving, and health & wellness
7)Learn how to crack the dexterity code, executive coaching, financial
8)Standout speakers like Carla Harris, 'The Power of You"
9)Check your emails all day with the Verizon Internet Lounge
10) Macy's fashion show sponsored by Verizon and hosted by the amazing Audrey Smalls
11) Reconnecting with good friends and simply sharing.
12)Most importantly, you will be Re-Charged and that has no price ticket.

See you next year in Palm Springs.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chris Brown - Man Up!

All I have to say is Chris Brown needs to man up.

You need to step to the podium and issue a real statement, show remorse for your actions and have a plan of action to deal with your demons. A reconciliation and promising never to do this again is sooo classic battery/abuse/Ike Turner behavior.

Chris Brown fire your "spin" team, they are not helping your profile. You need to turn this around and fast for all concerned. As a mother of 2, with a young daughter, I am drawn to this DRAMEDY. I hear young Black girls and boys on the bus talking... "What did she do to piss him off?" "She had a good thing going with Chris and messed up.? Are you freakin' kiddin' me

This kind of behavior is not normal. Chris Brown has serious problems and the good guy image turned psycho is not sexy. Chris Brown, man up. A generation of folks will think this is normal behavior courtesy of the popular machismo image seen all over the media courtesy of too many young and paid celebrities.

Chris, please take this situation under control and do the right thing.

1) Cease speaking through your representatives. Issuing statements are not working.
2)Fire your over-paid spin doctors
3)Publicly apologize, show remorse and take action for your awful behavior
4)Other than praying and speaking to your pastor, take some real actions
5)Volunteer at a youth center for 1 year (minimum) and mentor young kids about expressing their anger through communication.
6)Volunteer at a group home for girls and listen to their pain
7)Record a song and all the proceeds should go to an organization empowering battered teens/women/men
8) Ice yourself after all this. We need you to go away for a moment.

Chris Brown, Man up!

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