Thursday, July 22, 2010

Seven Ways to Effectively Self-Promote Your Business

Friday, July 9, 2010

* Business Advice

CharToday’s business owners need an affordable way to set themselves apart from their competition. For start-ups, every penny spent on advertising has to count. Without hiring a pricy PR firm, is it possible to get the word out about the new products and services you have to offer without breaking the bank? Of course it is!

With the help of the Internet, you can employ strategies that will improve your bottom line by allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket. Here are a few no-cost ways to promote your business effectively:

1. Get a blog and direct your customers to it. WordPress and Blogger offer user-friendly options for first time visitors to the blogosphere. Free account options are available for you to engage and inform your readers about all the things that set you apart from other companies professionally.

2. Post articles relating to your trade or industry in newsletters and Web sites that accept Guest Posts. Lend your expertise to publications in your industry for free. Just make sure that each post includes a byline with links to your blog or Web site. Driving business to your Web site is a quick way to increase your customer base.

3. Design a business card that grabs people’s attention. A well-designed business card is classy, straightforward, and useful. It provides important information about the type of establishment that you run, your business’s name, physical and Web address and a logo or motto to help with branding.

4. Familiarize yourself with social media networking. Create Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts for your business. Update them frequently with announcements about upcoming events, new product launches and special promotions being offered.

5. Host a monthly giveaway. What better way is there to get the word out about all things involving you than through a contest sponsored through your blog or Web site? From homemade beauty products to hour-long fitness training sessions, offering an online incentive from time to time is a good way to build trust and let prospective customers try out what you have to offer.

6. Trade services with other entrepreneurs. Use your ability to barter as often as you possibly can. Swapping skills with other businesses is a cost-effective way for you to get things done on a budget.

7. Set up a mailing list and offer your customers incentives for signing up for it. Keeping in constant communication with your customers gives you a distinct advantage. Offering sales and promotions from time to time to the people who are considerate enough to provide you with their contact information promotes goodwill and loyalty among your customers.

You don’t need to tap into your profits to establish a rock solid marketing plan. With some creativity and our list of suggestions, you, too, can travel down the road to success with ease.

Karen Taylor Bass, public relations consultant and author, recently told The Network Journal that she, herself, employed some of these strategies - along with a few others such as sending out podcasts to potential clients - for the launch of her own business.  

“If I had to select one, I would say that the blog is the most effective strategy on the list,” she says. “It’s a great way to establish your expert status and provide fodder for the marketplace. Also, it optimizes well on the Internet and is the equivalent of instant syndication.”

Taylor Bass advises budding business owners to consider networking as a close second to blogging. “Networking should be approached as a strategic partner rather than a chore,” she says. “Observe how the top players ‘work’ a room and make everyone feel engaged and special. Being the best listener in the room goes a long way.”

Additional reporting contributed by Sergie Willoughby

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Remember That Kiss At 13? I'm feeling It...

It's here and I feel like a 13 year old experiencing her first brush kiss.

Please take a moment and learn all about The Brand New Mommy and my Random Notes for today,

Post a comment and share ... share ... did I say share?

Oh yeah... Pam Perry,Social Media Strategist, PR Coach and BNM Advisory Board member, will guest host my show tomorrow and we will dish all about the brand new mommy movement at 12 noon, July 22;

Who Is The Brand New MommyTM

She is every hue of the rainbow and represents the quintessential black woman, age ranging from 30-50, and learning each day to find balance as she ‘re-define’ mommy-hood on her terms and ‘re-new’ her career goals (or launch a new passion).
The Brand New Mommy is complex, smart, beautiful, and multi-talented, and, appreciates the simplicity of life (and a splice of the fabulous vida).
The Brand New Mommy was once on top of her game pre-babies – now the industry has changed, she has taken time off to raise her children, and learn social media — the new “it” girl.  TBNM is coming back stronger, smarter and sensible.
TBNM has to learn the new rules while creating new ones to make her life easier, sustainable and profitable.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

All Dreams Are Possible Are You Ready?

Happy Thursday!

The humidity is still intense, however, the temperature is only in the 80's (Thank goodness).

Just For You!!!!
Coaching For 1 DAY ONLY Under $100

How are you?

I am getting ready to launch a product line next week and the excitement is unbelievable.

Look out for the link and information next week in your mailbox. Thank you for letting me know you wanted this product. I appreciate you.

As a thank you -- I clearing inventory and making stuff  "mo better."

If you follow me at OR send me a tweet to get the special price and reserve your strategic PR coaching. You must follow me by Friday, July 16th and pay on that day -- no exceptions. This is a tweet promo.

Strategic Brand/PR Coaching with Karen Taylor Bass, The PR Expert
$75 - for 30 minutes (regular price $150)Buy Now
$100 - for 60 minutes (regular price $250) Buy Now

Your PR Expert,

Karen Taylor Bass

Authors, Ready To Meet The Next Terry McMillan?

9 Tips to Becoming the Next Terry McMillan

Yes, you can work full time and become a published author
Author Faye Thompson used her lunch hours at her day job to write her second novel.
Are you a novelist waiting to exhale? If so, it is time to make your passion a reality. Terry McMillan made it happen and so can you.
Meet Faye Thompson, a government employee for more than 25 years whose recent novel is being compared to Terry McMillan's Disappearing Acts. Thompson's second novel, Cheesecake and Teardrops (Urban Trade Paper, $12.95), was written during her lunch hour, vacation, weekend, after hours -- basically any time she wasn't at her 9-to-5 job.
"I wanted to write and tell a story that I could not stop reading. If it's your passion, find the time to do it," says Thompson. "Get your hands on the Literary Marketplace, a [compendium] of agents, publishers, and editors. This resource will show you how to submit materials/manuscripts the right way. Also, take a creative writing course offered at a local college. This will empower you to tap into your power," advises Thompson.
Click here to read more and learn Faye's tips:

Tune in today - Thursday, July 15th for my Transformational Thursday Radio Show with Faye Thompson.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm Turning A No Into A Y-E-S!

Hello, I got a call today and the caller said ... we decided to go another direction.

I was disappointed for a split second and decided to face the giant and realize that not everything is for me.

When it's your moment -- it just is. So, back on the horse and will appreciate all that is gratitude.

Happy hazy summer!

ps: Check out my column on Black Enterprise this week ....

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    Article featuring Karen Taylor Bass in Black Enterprise, August 2008