Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't Give Up... Its Closer Than You Think

Hi, thank you for reading my blog. As we face this turbulent and challenging financial times, I want to encourage you to never give up. Spoke with a colleague this week and he was so close to giving up and I had to remind him now is the best time to reinvent. There are no rules in a recession, whatever worked before ... is not working now. Please realize the best way to find a job is to volunteer your time and energy. Let people see you in a positive light by giving back and organically things will start to happen. I can only stress that impressions is everything. Stay involved and active. The perfect opportunity won't find you, you must create it

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It’s Time To Become A Brand New You! –
Re-Invention Tips To Weather Any Storm

April 21, 2009, New York, NY…It’s no secret that given the economy, it is imperative to market your true authentic self when seeking clients, employment opportunities and growing a business. In an unsettled economy– everyone must develop a BRAND NEW ATTITUDE to “standout” from the competition.

I have put together a PR Re-Invention Plan to help individuals get the opportunity they desire using PR as an empowerment tool. Keep in mind these tips have worked for her past clients from Citibank, Sony Music, D’Angelo, Jill Scott, Mariah Carey, NBA’s Ray Allen and Chris Webber to name a few. Taylor Bass says, “Now is the time to make the economy work for you and be fearless. Sell and position yourself/brand like nobody’s business. Be Your Own Publicist. For every job posting you have thousands of applicants. It is imperative for each person to stand-out and secure the opportunity.”

Here are some sure-fire ways to get your brand noticed, secure the perfect job, market one’s business and STANDOUT, mentioned in my condensed learn as you go soft cover (108 pages), “You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins” A Smart Do-It-Yourself PR Guide For Those On A Budget.

Tips to implement as you create awareness and grow your brand, right now:

1) Think Linearly.
Act with a plan. Identify where you want to work, what salary you want to make, and how you can be an asset to the corporation

2) Be prepared. Is your portfolio screaming, “hire me, I’m desperate?” Keywords are important for coding and garnering an opportunity. Ex: PR Expert instead of Publicist in the experience column will send a stronger message to employers. Play yourself up.

3) Be Viral. The Internet is a force and you must participate. For companies/clients to find you must participate in social networking- for example: (Blogtalkradio, LINKEDIN, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter). Blog 2x a week; e-blast newsletters; Sign up today and start blogging to get your name out there. Prospective Employers are using Google© to learn more about the candidates. Also, it is imperative to have a web presence with a functional, smart, attractive website. A website will give your brand a global presence.

Make certain your incorporate your tagline into all your emails to build brand awareness.

4) Be prepared for the opportunity. Let people know who and what you have to offer. Be your own publicist and bring the hype. Create an electronic media kit listing your skills, accomplishments, and awards. Make certain your presentation is creative, “out of the box” approach and appropriate for your industry. Compose a press release lauding your best work/project.

5) Promote yourself.
Brand you. Remember, you are an authority in your field, so begin to visualize, and execute your plan as if you were a rock star.
Write an Op-Ed piece in your favorite newspaper, journal, magazine and get a byline (this means that you get credit for writing the story) Service the byline to the companies you want to work for and be on their radar. It’s all about impressions and follow-up.

6) Authenticity. You must appear sincere and approachable. Employers/clients want to know that you can deliver. If you say you are the best -- then bring it. Show letters of recommendations, praises from your former boss/project managers, and colleagues. Volunteer your time at a non-profit to keep your skills razor, network and secure job leads.

To purchase "You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins"": A Smart PR Guide For Those On A Budget, visit--,,

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    You Want Caviar But Have Money for Chitlins

    You Want Caviar But Have Money for Chitlins
    A Smart Pr Guide for Those on a Budget

    PR Tips To Win Motivational CD

    PR Tips To Win Motivational CD
    Your Essential PR Tool Kit - 60 Minutes

    "Priceless PR"

    "Priceless PR"
    Article featuring Karen Taylor Bass in Black Enterprise, August 2008