President Obama Taps Judge Sonia Sontomayor For The High Court The Face of A New America
It's a new day for all Americans. There is something to say about folks from humble beginnings, excellent work ethics and HUGE dreams. We salute our hermana, Judge Sonia Sontomayor!
A Great Time To Be A Woman. Xerox Appoints Ursula Burns
Lebron James ... Pure Magic
This is my favorite time of the year to watch basketball ... the well marketed and 'corporate ties NBA Playoffs. I love sports... especially basketball... it's refreshing and sexy to watch well compensated athletes W-O-R-K it O-U-T. Of course, you might catch some magic here and there. This past Friday, did not disappoint with 1.0 seconds on the clock and Sir James with a basketball. Cleveland listen up - play 48 minutes against Orlando, each player needs to step up and you must win on Tuesday!
Do You B.E.?
Exclusive with Thembisa S. Mshaka Author
Put Your Dreams First- Handle Your Entertainment Business
I love Black Enterprise - let me say that from the jump. Wasn't really certain about going to Detroit for the Entrepreneur Conference -- given the state of the Motor City. Well, I came out stronger, better and more thankful. Met Pam Perry of Ministry Marketing Solutions for the first time since our first encounter 2 years ago via the web; we did a FREE PR Bailout Boot Camp together in the Big D; almost 60 people deep on a rainy Saturday with Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
I would say my best memories from this year's conference was:
1) Town Hall meeting discussing President Obama's Economic Agenda: A Boom or Bust for Black Business? moderated by the distinguished Professor Charles Ogletree, Jr., Harvard University, with a spirited panelists including Tara Wall (Washington Post) and Warren Ballentine (syndicated radio host). 2) Entrepreneur Awards Luncheon with special guest Spike Lee. It was refreshing to hear Spike complete sentences and not be so vague. 3)Chris Bryant, founder of Rapport Strategies giving a dynamic presentation on "Preparing the Work Force."
Next year's conference will be in Atlanta and the networking and knowledge is well worth the money and energy. We must invest in each other.
Caviar & Chitterling - TONIGHT @ 8PM I would say my best memories from this year's conference was:
1) Town Hall meeting discussing President Obama's Economic Agenda: A Boom or Bust for Black Business? moderated by the distinguished Professor Charles Ogletree, Jr., Harvard University, with a spirited panelists including Tara Wall (Washington Post) and Warren Ballentine (syndicated radio host). 2) Entrepreneur Awards Luncheon with special guest Spike Lee. It was refreshing to hear Spike complete sentences and not be so vague. 3)Chris Bryant, founder of Rapport Strategies giving a dynamic presentation on "Preparing the Work Force."
Next year's conference will be in Atlanta and the networking and knowledge is well worth the money and energy. We must invest in each other.
John Conyers Is He Smoking ? What Do You Mean A Performance Tax For Radio? Many Radio Stations and Black Artists Will Be Impacted
Call Your Local Radio Station and Legislature To Learn More
Rep. John Conyers, Jr. , (D) MI-14 made the following statement, on May 13th, 2009, at a Judiciary Committee hearing before offering an amendment to the Performance Rights act insuring that the needs of small, minority, religious, and non-music broadcasters are taken into account as he and other Members of Congress continue to work on the legislation. The statement indicates his intentions to improve the legislation.
As everyone in this room knows, the Performance Rights Act is one of my top priorities this Congress.
On one hand, I believe that the time is finally ripe for establishing some form of equity for recording artists – allowing them to be paid fair compensation for their creativity.
On the other hand, I am concerned about the economic impact this bill may have on broadcasters, particularly smaller broadcasters.
I know times are tough, and it is not the intention or goal of this legislation to drive broadcasters into bankruptcy or to bring about a widespread consolidation of the industry.
That is why I have been, and remain, committed to finding a middle ground on this issue. I believe a number of steps we can initiate today will help us achieve this result:
First, I – along with a number of my colleagues – will be offering a managers amendment that addresses several of the concerns that have been raised at our hearings and subsequent meetings.
The Managers Amendment provides a number of accommodations, including delaying the bill’s effective date, reducing the royalty payments due, and insuring that the needs of small, minority, religious, and non-music broadcasters are taken into account.
Second, today’s markup is not the end of the legislative process, and I remain ready and willing to work with all interested parties in developing any necessary further accommodation, as long as they are willing to work with us in good faith.
Third, I am requesting – along with Ranking Member Smith and Reps. Jackson Lee, Gonzales, and Lungren – a GAO study to analyze the economic factors for radio broadcasters and performing artists and copyright owners related to this Act.
This does not mean that we do not have enough information to move the bill forward at this time, but that as we move forward we can and should supplement the information available to the rate-making authority.
Fourth, I plan to remain diligent in ensuring the vibrancy and competition available in the broadcast and other relevant markets. The last thing any of us wants to do is preside over a broadcast market that becomes more concentrated, and less diverse.
I therefore plan to work with Subcommittee Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Smith and Subcommittee Ranking Member Coble in planning hearings on this subject in the very near future.
I understand this is an important an emotional issue for many. Creative rights go to the core of our cultural and intellectual health as a society. Broadcasters are a vital cog in our local communities and our political debates.
I believe we can encourage creativity, while at the same time protecting the economic viability of local broadcasters, and I believe today’s markup represents a good first step towards protecting both.
Call Your Local Radio Station and Legislature To Learn More
Conyers Makes Statement Regarding The Performance Rights Act (H.R. 848).
Conyers Makes Statement Regarding The Performance Rights Act (H.R. 848).
Rep. John Conyers, Jr. , (D) MI-14 made the following statement, on May 13th, 2009, at a Judiciary Committee hearing before offering an amendment to the Performance Rights act insuring that the needs of small, minority, religious, and non-music broadcasters are taken into account as he and other Members of Congress continue to work on the legislation. The statement indicates his intentions to improve the legislation.
As everyone in this room knows, the Performance Rights Act is one of my top priorities this Congress.
On one hand, I believe that the time is finally ripe for establishing some form of equity for recording artists – allowing them to be paid fair compensation for their creativity.
On the other hand, I am concerned about the economic impact this bill may have on broadcasters, particularly smaller broadcasters.
I know times are tough, and it is not the intention or goal of this legislation to drive broadcasters into bankruptcy or to bring about a widespread consolidation of the industry.
That is why I have been, and remain, committed to finding a middle ground on this issue. I believe a number of steps we can initiate today will help us achieve this result:
First, I – along with a number of my colleagues – will be offering a managers amendment that addresses several of the concerns that have been raised at our hearings and subsequent meetings.
The Managers Amendment provides a number of accommodations, including delaying the bill’s effective date, reducing the royalty payments due, and insuring that the needs of small, minority, religious, and non-music broadcasters are taken into account.
Second, today’s markup is not the end of the legislative process, and I remain ready and willing to work with all interested parties in developing any necessary further accommodation, as long as they are willing to work with us in good faith.
Third, I am requesting – along with Ranking Member Smith and Reps. Jackson Lee, Gonzales, and Lungren – a GAO study to analyze the economic factors for radio broadcasters and performing artists and copyright owners related to this Act.
This does not mean that we do not have enough information to move the bill forward at this time, but that as we move forward we can and should supplement the information available to the rate-making authority.
Fourth, I plan to remain diligent in ensuring the vibrancy and competition available in the broadcast and other relevant markets. The last thing any of us wants to do is preside over a broadcast market that becomes more concentrated, and less diverse.
I therefore plan to work with Subcommittee Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Smith and Subcommittee Ranking Member Coble in planning hearings on this subject in the very near future.
I understand this is an important an emotional issue for many. Creative rights go to the core of our cultural and intellectual health as a society. Broadcasters are a vital cog in our local communities and our political debates.
I believe we can encourage creativity, while at the same time protecting the economic viability of local broadcasters, and I believe today’s markup represents a good first step towards protecting both.
Exclusive with Thembisa S. Mshaka Author
Put Your Dreams First- Handle Your Entertainment Business
Call-in Number: (646) 200-4565
Host Name: | Caviar & Chitterling | |
Show Name: | How To Put Your Dreams First & Succeed In The Entertainment Biz | |
Length: | 30 min | |
Description: h:19057 s:545022 | An exclusive interview with Thembisa S. Mshaka, author of Put Your Dreams First - Handle Your (entertainment) Business. Put Your Dreams First will help you... 1)Break In or Transition 2)Work Smarter 3) Separate Sex From Business 4)Be The Force Behind The Boss 5) Start Your Own Company or Label |
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