Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is it Time to Re-Fresh Your Brand From Frump To Fab?

It's a word which is mis-used and over-used each day. The word is Branding. Branding is best defined as a consistent reliable experience derived from a product which the consumer believes is the best of its kind.

For example, the golden arches and McDonald's french fries. conjures up a unique experience each time. Would you agree the taste of the french fries is the same anywhere and any day? Probably yes.

As consumers we love consistency, not boredom. Is your brand consistent and sexy?

As the CEO of the company -- you are your brand. The minute a person meets you, regardless of how dynamic you are, you are being challenged on 1) Authenticity of Information 2) Perception.

How you present your information-- everything from colors to paperstock, and, how google-able you are, especially in a world of digital and social media is key. Also, the perception of your brand in the marketplace now more than ever will seal your success or failure in attracting opportunities.

Smart and strategic branding is essential for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and part-time CEO's. Is it possible that your brand might need a fresh coat of paint... some re-freshing? Here are some tips to Re-fresh your brand from frump to fab on a shoestring budget:

1) Give your brand a makeover. Just as you paint your office each year, your business might need the same. Re-fresh your logo, update the content on your website, launch a new service or product, every six months. Collect data from the visitors to your site and give them a reason to come back. Don't allow lack of creativity and dollars to cripple you.

2) Be Savvy with Social Media. It's free and the Internet is a force, are you participating? Start a free blog (go to; answer questions on; be a key influencer on Twitter and Facebook, offer exciting business tips; start writing a monthly newsletter to your clients; and, create a commercial showcasing your brand, it's easy as 1-2-3.
Check out:

3) Become An Expert and Promote Yourself.
Remember, you are an authority in your field, begin to visualize and execute your plan as if you were a rock star. Pluck a story from the headlines and write from your perspective as a business owner. How has the recession impacted your business, have you lost government contracts; laid of employees; and, hired more freelances? Write for your favorite business journal, newspaper, magazine and get a byline. Impressions are key and you will become a go-to source for the media.

4) Create a 30 second elevator pitch. Make a promise to go out twice a week with your new pitch and secure new business. Networking is key to grow your brand.

5) Build a Media Empire. Write a 50-page E-Book on your industry, business success/pitfall; become a radio host ( Remember, it’s all about exposure. Once it becomes a bestseller, make it a soft cover book and get an agent.

6) Tap Into Your Network to Increase Your Net worth. Most people don’t tap into their contacts; your contacts can lead you to opportunities, meetings, and business leads, which can increase your bottom-line.

7) Be Wacky to stand out. Make your own rules. Send Christmas/Holiday cards in June; Valentine Cards in December. Set your own tone and be noticed.

8) Polish your image (outward and inward).
Are you sending out the message that you want? If so, what is that perception? Ask your friends and family members what impression they have of you.

9) Empower Your Life.
Give back. A great deal of business is done while volunteering, which can provide you a legitimate aura of leadership, dedication and commitment. Expand your base of key contacts. Become a board member and create a positive perception of who you are.

Karen Taylor Bass,, The PR Expert is known for helping clients clear the clutter, while working towards the finish line.

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