Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are You Getting Ready For 2010? Things That I am Loving As I Transform

I don't know about you, but, 2009 was truly my year of growth. Challenges, more growth and definitely more and more challenges. There were times when I kept hoping did I master the lesson as of yet? Well, as of writing this post ... still learning much needed lessons before ushering a 'brand new me. ' That's okay.

What I am re-learning which I had forgotten, is just how resilient, patient, talented and super sexy I am. Don't take that the wrong way, however, being a mom of 2, ages under 11, it is easy to get enveloped into their world. I forgot I was Karen Taylor aka Karen Taylor Bass (wife/mother).

Simply put, I had forgotten all the tools I used in the past when I felt on top of my game.

Is my lesson this year-- to become the person I have yet to become? I think so.

With growth comes great loss and tons of clarity.

Somehow, the past 11 months have really made me appreciate the little joys of life and not put so much pressure on career/business.

Here are some random thoughts of mine this week.

1) Are they trying to kill us? Could not believe the heated and controversial mammogram report this week, glad it was shut down by the government. Ridiculous. As a woman over 40, I want to know that I am doing everything in my power to save my life. And yes, I need to have my breast checked once a year via screening and do self exams. I guess next is a study saying that broccoli is not good for us?? Don't you think this is crazy?
Read the report on here:

2) The Game (BET)
I did not watch this show when it was on the CW network, however, I am loving each episode for its sauce, wittiness, intelligent writing and eye candy (Pooch, Hosea, Colby). BET please renew the show and bring the noise. Let me know if you are also a Game-head?

3) I learned how to put makeup on this fall.
Oh my gosh, how much fun is it to play with colors and bring out my inner sexiness. Attended a makeover for moms with "Mocha Moms" and made the investment to purchase makeup. Yum.

4) Precious- The Movie.
I am so happy that Black folks are telling a universal story. When I read the book, Push by Sapphire, I cried like a baby -- that was 15 years ago. Can't wait to see the movie this weekend and chat with executive producer Lisa Cortes. Check out my radio show on December 2nd, see details here.

Go see the movie this week, let me know your thoughts. Is it worth the buzz?

5) Working out, changing my life.
I have a confession, need to update my photos when I get some balls. I weighed on April 10, and was 167 pounds, 45 pounds overweight. Can't tell you when -- but it was real. My knees, joints and everything was aching. Went to the doctor, was told my blood pressure was high, and all that other good stuff that comes with extra weight. A sister had to really take stock of life and eating habits. I am pleased to let you know that I have lost 22 pounds thus far -- will post "new" picture when I reach goal. Here is a photo of me at 167. Doing this the right way, one day at a time.

Did you see my son's brilliant commercial? Here it is again.

Let me know your thoughts, would love to hear from you.

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