Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is Sisterhood, Do you know?


Cookie Johnson & Coach Beverly Kearney

Does everyone need a mentor? Yes.

While the job landscape has changed with the advent of social media, what a mentor does has not. A mentor is still someone who has specific skills, knowledge and abilities to help groom you for success, provides strategic business advice and assists you with the tools to negotiate and conquer the corporate terrain. A mentor can be especially helpful for women who have the two-fold challenge of navigating the sexism of the business world while still maintaining a home and children. Choosing the right mentor will help maintain sanity as you climb the ladder. … continue reading.

Speed Networking: Promote Your Brand in 2 Minutes

PHOTO: (L-R: MC Lyte, Coach Beverly Kearney, Cookie Johnson, LeToya Luckett)
University of Texas Austin (Minority Mentorship Symposium) this past weekend the brainchild of Coach Beverly Kearney. 
Photo Credit: Kawai Matthews
I am excited to be participating and facilitating the Speed Networking event at the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurial Conference.

Speed Networking is a creative way for entrepreneurs to meet substantial business contacts, secure referrals, and network in a friendly uplifting environment in a mere matter of hours. Facilitated by public relations expert Karen Taylor Bass, the entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to have face time with all attendees as they make their pitches/brief introductions (no longer that 2 minutes) to each other during Speed Networking. … continue reading.

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    Article featuring Karen Taylor Bass in Black Enterprise, August 2008