Thursday, December 31, 2009
Brand New You In 2010! Let's Make It Happen
Brand new you in 2010!
I am claiming excellent health, strategic ideas, mucho balance, unconditional love, impactful relationships, prosperity and God's favor as we begin a new year. I want the best for all and yes, its well deserved.
This is my favorite time of the year, because the slate will become clean at midnight tonight (12/31).
Use the fresh start wisely. I know its been tough for most of us (yeah, me too), so, when I say good riddance 2009, take your funky self and go, I speak for all. That's the change I can believe!
With all the challenges and losses, I encountered this year, I still remained steadfast and pursued my goals. Why? I realized that in order to really WIN, you must have major defeat and setback. Once you accept your "moment," true VICTORY will begin.
I say to all of you, bring the noise in 2010 and proclaim your victory now. Forget everything that happened this year ... commit to move on now and most importantly, do it differently and have FAITH.
Moments That Changed My Life in 2009
(no particular order)
1) Invictus, The Movie and the poem. If you want to change your mind and achieve your true destiny. Check out this film and read the words of the poem by William Ernest Henley.
2) Rediscovering self, losing 25 pounds thus far, and incorporating exercise (Zumba, walking, running, swimming, tennis). Does laughing count?
3) Speaking at the CMEX Conference in St. Lucia this past December. The connections and relationships cemented my belief in mankind (again)., Not to mention the beautiful island and great people. Please consider St. Lucia for your next va-cay. Shout out to Pam Perry,, for making the introduction to Bevan Springer, CEO of CMEX,
4) My radio show on Blogtalk, really allowed me to tap into my inner disc jockey. If you have not listened to any, check out my best show yet with Coach Beverly Kearney from University of Texas (Austin). Listen now.
5) Unconditional love from my husband, kids, family, friends, mentors, and supporters. I love you all so much.
6) The word "No." When promises/commitments regardless of the nature (biz/personal) go awry ... flip the word around and say it's "On" now, don't doubt The PR Expert!
7) The Presidential Election. Yes We Can! Let's get this poppin' and bring some real change/reform! Yes, you are the president of all people, however, remember, we got you there.
8) Having a best-selling book with "You Want Caviar." Thanks to the media, mentors, speaking engagements, boot camps, and all supporters.
9) Perseverance. After lobbying for 1 year to blog for Black, it's finally a reality. Starting mid-January, I will be blogging 2x a week for their new site - Women In Power. I want to bring shine to all your endeavors and will need content. Email me at
10) You! Thanks for all the positive and negative feedback. I truly appreciate your honesty, integrity and support.
Look out for a brand new Karen Taylor Bass in 2010. Love ya like cook food.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Percy Ellis Sutton~ A True Renaissance Man
Monday, December 21, 2009
R.I.P. Our Precious & Beautiful Sister
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Let's Talk About Tiger Woods And The Elephant In The Room
Honestly, I really don't care about Tiger Woods transgression(s) ... its not my business.
What I do find interesting is the modern day witch hunt of Brand Tiger Woods by the media. Isn't this a private matter? Is it unheard of for a man of Mr. Woods stature to cheat? Absolutely not.
Why has this become such a front page story, what makes this so interesting? How can this be b-r-e-a-k-i-n-g n-e-w-s? Men cheat all the time, regardless, of their social stature. Mel Gibson had an affair, left his wife, expecting or had a baby with his new babe, and, no real witch hunt for Mr. Gibson.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room, Tiger Woods and Race.
America looks different. The image of the Black man representing the new millennium is powerful, smart, good- looking, rich and a family man. Meet Tiger Woods, Dwayne "Rock"Johnson, Derek Jeter and President Barack Obama -- to name a few. These men are their own respective powerful brands, and lifestyle influencers.
America still has trouble accepting and talking about RACE -- the ultimate elephant-- race.
Race has become more of an overt issue (since the inauguration of our president) as how white folks deal with the new "Black" man. Think about it.
Let's just deal with Tiger Woods at this moment. Tiger Woods as I can recall, never publicly talked about his "blackness," although he is Black. Yes, you are mixed, however, America only sees a Black man -- rightfully so.
The media witch hunt for Tiger Woods has been brutal with hoochies and sources coming from everywhere.
What made this affair different from other hi-profile trysts? Why did CNN consider this breaking news? Is it because he is a Black man married to the "ideal" societal image of beauty? Is it because Tiger cheated with women of less ilk? Or, is it because he simply cheated and became human to many?
Regardless of the reason, I still don't care about Tiger's private life; his sponsors don't seem to care much about his private life either.
I am concerned about (more) troops being deployed to Afghanistan, health care and employment opportunities.
Let's move beyond this and allow the Woods' to deal with their private matter.
At least Brand Tiger has helped magazine sales, TV viewership and all other mediums during this economic tsunami.
My suggestions for Tiger are real simple:
1) Create A New Image. Come out of hiding and take your kids for ice cream. Be seen as the quintessential father.
2) Give Back . Make a generous donation to a worthy foundation publicly or simply manage the information the media is reporting.
3)Do what you do best. You are a golfer, go out there and make it happen.
4) Stop sending text messages to hoochies. No need to explain this one.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Are You Getting Ready For 2010? Things That I am Loving As I Transform
I don't know about you, but, 2009 was truly my year of growth. Challenges, more growth and definitely more and more challenges. There were times when I kept hoping did I master the lesson as of yet? Well, as of writing this post ... still learning much needed lessons before ushering a 'brand new me. ' That's okay.
What I am re-learning which I had forgotten, is just how resilient, patient, talented and super sexy I am. Don't take that the wrong way, however, being a mom of 2, ages under 11, it is easy to get enveloped into their world. I forgot I was Karen Taylor aka Karen Taylor Bass (wife/mother).
Simply put, I had forgotten all the tools I used in the past when I felt on top of my game.
Is my lesson this year-- to become the person I have yet to become? I think so.
With growth comes great loss and tons of clarity.
Somehow, the past 11 months have really made me appreciate the little joys of life and not put so much pressure on career/business.
Here are some random thoughts of mine this week.
1) Are they trying to kill us? Could not believe the heated and controversial mammogram report this week, glad it was shut down by the government. Ridiculous. As a woman over 40, I want to know that I am doing everything in my power to save my life. And yes, I need to have my breast checked once a year via screening and do self exams. I guess next is a study saying that broccoli is not good for us?? Don't you think this is crazy?
Read the report on here:
2) The Game (BET)
I did not watch this show when it was on the CW network, however, I am loving each episode for its sauce, wittiness, intelligent writing and eye candy (Pooch, Hosea, Colby). BET please renew the show and bring the noise. Let me know if you are also a Game-head?
3) I learned how to put makeup on this fall.
Oh my gosh, how much fun is it to play with colors and bring out my inner sexiness. Attended a makeover for moms with "Mocha Moms" and made the investment to purchase makeup. Yum.
4) Precious- The Movie.
I am so happy that Black folks are telling a universal story. When I read the book, Push by Sapphire, I cried like a baby -- that was 15 years ago. Can't wait to see the movie this weekend and chat with executive producer Lisa Cortes. Check out my radio show on December 2nd, see details here.
Go see the movie this week, let me know your thoughts. Is it worth the buzz?
5) Working out, changing my life.
I have a confession, need to update my photos when I get some balls. I weighed on April 10, and was 167 pounds, 45 pounds overweight. Can't tell you when -- but it was real. My knees, joints and everything was aching. Went to the doctor, was told my blood pressure was high, and all that other good stuff that comes with extra weight. A sister had to really take stock of life and eating habits. I am pleased to let you know that I have lost 22 pounds thus far -- will post "new" picture when I reach goal. Here is a photo of me at 167. Doing this the right way, one day at a time.
Did you see my son's brilliant commercial? Here it is again.
Let me know your thoughts, would love to hear from you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
For example, the golden arches and McDonald's french fries. conjures up a unique experience each time. Would you agree the taste of the french fries is the same anywhere and any day? Probably yes.
As consumers we love consistency, not boredom. Is your brand consistent and sexy?
As the CEO of the company -- you are your brand. The minute a person meets you, regardless of how dynamic you are, you are being challenged on 1) Authenticity of Information 2) Perception.
How you present your information-- everything from colors to paperstock, and, how google-able you are, especially in a world of digital and social media is key. Also, the perception of your brand in the marketplace now more than ever will seal your success or failure in attracting opportunities.
Smart and strategic branding is essential for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and part-time CEO's. Is it possible that your brand might need a fresh coat of paint... some re-freshing? Here are some tips to Re-fresh your brand from frump to fab on a shoestring budget:
1) Give your brand a makeover. Just as you paint your office each year, your business might need the same. Re-fresh your logo, update the content on your website, launch a new service or product, every six months. Collect data from the visitors to your site and give them a reason to come back. Don't allow lack of creativity and dollars to cripple you.
2) Be Savvy with Social Media. It's free and the Internet is a force, are you participating? Start a free blog (go to; answer questions on; be a key influencer on Twitter and Facebook, offer exciting business tips; start writing a monthly newsletter to your clients; and, create a commercial showcasing your brand, it's easy as 1-2-3.
Check out:
3) Become An Expert and Promote Yourself.
Remember, you are an authority in your field, begin to visualize and execute your plan as if you were a rock star. Pluck a story from the headlines and write from your perspective as a business owner. How has the recession impacted your business, have you lost government contracts; laid of employees; and, hired more freelances? Write for your favorite business journal, newspaper, magazine and get a byline. Impressions are key and you will become a go-to source for the media.
4) Create a 30 second elevator pitch. Make a promise to go out twice a week with your new pitch and secure new business. Networking is key to grow your brand.
5) Build a Media Empire. Write a 50-page E-Book on your industry, business success/pitfall; become a radio host ( Remember, it’s all about exposure. Once it becomes a bestseller, make it a soft cover book and get an agent.
6) Tap Into Your Network to Increase Your Net worth. Most people don’t tap into their contacts; your contacts can lead you to opportunities, meetings, and business leads, which can increase your bottom-line.
7) Be Wacky to stand out. Make your own rules. Send Christmas/Holiday cards in June; Valentine Cards in December. Set your own tone and be noticed.
8) Polish your image (outward and inward).
Are you sending out the message that you want? If so, what is that perception? Ask your friends and family members what impression they have of you.
9) Empower Your Life.
Give back. A great deal of business is done while volunteering, which can provide you a legitimate aura of leadership, dedication and commitment. Expand your base of key contacts. Become a board member and create a positive perception of who you are.
Karen Taylor Bass,, The PR Expert is known for helping clients clear the clutter, while working towards the finish line.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Your Message: From A Whisper To A Scream - Getting Your Product Out There On A Shoestring Budget
Your Message: From a Whisper to a Scream
Check out these low-cost marketing ideas for your new business.You’ve got a great idea and a plan to turn it into a business. Now all you need are customers--and to get them, you need to spread the word about what you’re doing. One problem: Your marketing budget makes your grade school allowance look like a princely sum.
Not to worry. There are plenty of ways to promote your business without spending a lot. The key to effective penny-pinching promotion, say marketers Travis Miller, 32, and Jimmy Vee, 33, founders of Orlando, Florida-based Gravitational Marketing, is to apply creativity to established techniques and emerging opportunities to reach a specific audience. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Get Profiled
In 2007, when Seth Mendelsohn founded Simply Boulder Foods LLC, a Boulder, Colorado, company that makes gourmet sauces, he started posting profile pages on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites. Mendelsohn, 31, estimates he has “a few hundred followers, and they all want to hear about our company,” which has projected 2009 sales of more than $100,000.
Some of these sites allow users to start special interest groups or fan pages, which Miller says you can use to talk about your products and build bigger audiences.
Make Yourself a Star
Perhaps you’ve never thought of yourself as the next Larry King, but today’s media vehicles make it possible for you to host your own show--for nothing. PR expert Karen Taylor Bass, 42, author of You Want Caviar, But You Have Money for Chitlins, hosts her own show on the free network BlogTalk Radio, a social radio network where hosts can create free, live, call-in talk shows using an ordinary phone. The shows are archived and available for download as podcasts. You can also post podcasts to your website or shoot your own videos and place them on YouTube or in your blog. “Don’t forget public access television, where you may be able to create your own show and reach local audiences for free,” Bass says. Business owners should check with their local cable companies for terms and restrictions.
Pluck from the headlines
Publicity 101 tells you to build a media list and send relevant news releases to the contacts on it. That works, but Stacey Dolezal Susini, 35, a former TV news reporter and the founder of Zontis Public Relations in Dallas, says you can get even more mileage by watching what’s in the news. First, understanding the beats--or specific topics and regions--each reporter covers can help you better target your list. In addition, by piggybacking on existing headlines, you can put yourself in the spotlight. “Is there a charitable organization in trouble? If so, host a food, coat or clothing drive for them at your place of business,” she suggests. Then call your local media and tell them what you’re doing.
No time to compile a media list on your own? Try services like Contacts on Tap, (which costs as little as $395 for a year-long subscription (and offers a 15-day free trial), or use a service like Bulldog Reporter (, which lets you build a list, then pay $2 per name.
Go for the Demo
By demonstrating your product or service, you get to show prospects firsthand why they should buy from you, Mendelsohn says. While he now has a hectic grocery-store-demo schedule, he got his start at local farmers markets that only charged him a percentage of the day’s sales.
“Look for local events where you can connect with a lot of people, then let them know where they can buy your product in the future,” he says. Get more mileage by filming your demo or presentation and posting it online.
Find businesses in your backyard
Got local businesses that would be good customers? Susini suggests offering employee incentives to various businesses. Call their headquarters and ask how you can offer discounts or other special offers to their employees. If it’s a good fit, the HR department will promote your business to staffers without you having to do more than ring up sales. Similarly, she says, you can cross-promote your business with other businesses, offering discounts to their customers--and vice versa.
Be a Winner
Jenny Hwa, 31, founder and creative director of Loyale, a New York City sustainable clothing company that saw first-quarter sales growth of 70 percent, scours magazines and trade media on the lookout for awards competitions. In 2008, she was honored in awards co-sponsored by Glamour and O magazines, as well as one from iconic fashion designer Eileen Fisher. Another award she won was judged by editors from Glamour, Lucky and InStyle magazines, as well as popular website “It was a big year for us,” she says, “and we got a ton of great publicity and met some important contacts because of the awards we won.”
Give it Away
Free stuff is always a hit. Miller suggests offering free reports or special offers on your website in exchange for the prospect’s e-mail address. Retail businesses might consider a small gift with purchase or other loyalty program for customers who make repeat purchases.
Speak Up
From local chamber of commerce meetings to national trade events, booking yourself as an expert speaker can be a great way to get attention--and new business. While it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, Bass says, many events and meetings are hungry for good speakers who can share valuable information, rather than an overt sales pitch. Best of all, she says, you can recycle your speech by turning it into a podcast for your website, a blog post, an article for a trade publication or even a series of Twitter posts. While you’re at the event, be sure to collect contact information from the people there and follow up. Says Bass, more than 70 percent of prospective leads are never pursued.
Get Sourced
When reporters need sources, they may turn to a handful of services. Help a Reporter Out, also known as HARO, started as a Facebook group and is now a service with more than 50,000 subscribers, connecting reporters and sources. Sign up for free at Similar services charge fees such as PR Leads--which helped Hwa get interviewed by national magazines--and Publicity Hound.
Don’t do it
There are some things that aren’t worth the money, no matter what your budget. Here are a few:
Going after Oprah: Yes, The Oprah Winfrey Show is the gold standard of publicity; but it’s a long shot. If you spend all your time and money going after this, you could miss valuable, revenue-generating publicity in smaller vehicles that are easier to crack, says Jimmy Vee of marketing agency Gravitational Marketing.
Printing costly press kits: PR expert Karen Taylor Bass cringes when she sees glossy printed media materials. She says, “It’s far more effective to use e-mail.”
Hiring a big agency: If you need to hire help, find a good service provider who works with startups and understands budget constraints, Vee says.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Michael Jackson, We Will Always Love You
I came home from the office last Thursday when I received a text saying Michael Jackson was in a comma. I was numb, heart racing and a whole lotta emotions. Most of all, I could not believe it... did not want to believe it. Still don't want to believe it. Turned on CNN, saw the updates and knew it was true. Michael Jackson dead at 50.
Michael Jackson was a one man, cultural icon who changed the landscape of pop culture. Do you know how powerful that is? Michael raised and CHANGED the GAME.
Think about it... One person with a dream can CHANGE the world. He had the vision, determination and gift.
To all the racist media out there -- STEP BACK & BE RESPECTFUL to Mr. Jackson's family, children and fans. Who are we to judge a man? That's not our job. Jeffrey Toobin, CNN's Legal Analyst, I am appalled at your comments and venomous reaction to the death of Michael Jackson. For shame.
I loved Michael simply because:
1) He was fine
2) Wasn't Afraid to smile
3) Had quiet power
4) He was a one man stimulus package (he brought the music industry back in the '80's and kept it going for 4 decades)
5)He loved people and gave millions of dollars to so many causes
6)He understood the power of the media and used it well for many decades
7) He loved his momma, sisters and brothers
8) Married Lisa Presley and had Elvis rolling in the grave
9)He gave us "Ben," "Off the Wall," "The Wiz," "Thriller," "She's Outta My Life," Wanna Be Startin' Something," 'Remember The Time," and countless hits
10) Michael & The Jacksons Christmas album will always be my favorite
11) What can I say ... Motown 25th and the Moonwalk
Mr. Jackson, I hope your soul is at peace. Your fans will always love you and stand up for you.
God Bless The Jackson family and provide them strength and love.
Monday, May 25, 2009
LeBron's Magic Shot, Do You B.E.? Xerox Says... Yes We Can!
It's a new day for all Americans. There is something to say about folks from humble beginnings, excellent work ethics and HUGE dreams. We salute our hermana, Judge Sonia Sontomayor!
I would say my best memories from this year's conference was:
1) Town Hall meeting discussing President Obama's Economic Agenda: A Boom or Bust for Black Business? moderated by the distinguished Professor Charles Ogletree, Jr., Harvard University, with a spirited panelists including Tara Wall (Washington Post) and Warren Ballentine (syndicated radio host). 2) Entrepreneur Awards Luncheon with special guest Spike Lee. It was refreshing to hear Spike complete sentences and not be so vague. 3)Chris Bryant, founder of Rapport Strategies giving a dynamic presentation on "Preparing the Work Force."
Next year's conference will be in Atlanta and the networking and knowledge is well worth the money and energy. We must invest in each other.
Call Your Local Radio Station and Legislature To Learn More
Conyers Makes Statement Regarding The Performance Rights Act (H.R. 848).
Rep. John Conyers, Jr. , (D) MI-14 made the following statement, on May 13th, 2009, at a Judiciary Committee hearing before offering an amendment to the Performance Rights act insuring that the needs of small, minority, religious, and non-music broadcasters are taken into account as he and other Members of Congress continue to work on the legislation. The statement indicates his intentions to improve the legislation.
As everyone in this room knows, the Performance Rights Act is one of my top priorities this Congress.
On one hand, I believe that the time is finally ripe for establishing some form of equity for recording artists – allowing them to be paid fair compensation for their creativity.
On the other hand, I am concerned about the economic impact this bill may have on broadcasters, particularly smaller broadcasters.
I know times are tough, and it is not the intention or goal of this legislation to drive broadcasters into bankruptcy or to bring about a widespread consolidation of the industry.
That is why I have been, and remain, committed to finding a middle ground on this issue. I believe a number of steps we can initiate today will help us achieve this result:
First, I – along with a number of my colleagues – will be offering a managers amendment that addresses several of the concerns that have been raised at our hearings and subsequent meetings.
The Managers Amendment provides a number of accommodations, including delaying the bill’s effective date, reducing the royalty payments due, and insuring that the needs of small, minority, religious, and non-music broadcasters are taken into account.
Second, today’s markup is not the end of the legislative process, and I remain ready and willing to work with all interested parties in developing any necessary further accommodation, as long as they are willing to work with us in good faith.
Third, I am requesting – along with Ranking Member Smith and Reps. Jackson Lee, Gonzales, and Lungren – a GAO study to analyze the economic factors for radio broadcasters and performing artists and copyright owners related to this Act.
This does not mean that we do not have enough information to move the bill forward at this time, but that as we move forward we can and should supplement the information available to the rate-making authority.
Fourth, I plan to remain diligent in ensuring the vibrancy and competition available in the broadcast and other relevant markets. The last thing any of us wants to do is preside over a broadcast market that becomes more concentrated, and less diverse.
I therefore plan to work with Subcommittee Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Smith and Subcommittee Ranking Member Coble in planning hearings on this subject in the very near future.
I understand this is an important an emotional issue for many. Creative rights go to the core of our cultural and intellectual health as a society. Broadcasters are a vital cog in our local communities and our political debates.
I believe we can encourage creativity, while at the same time protecting the economic viability of local broadcasters, and I believe today’s markup represents a good first step towards protecting both.
Exclusive with Thembisa S. Mshaka Author
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Call-in Number: (646) 200-4565
Host Name: | Caviar & Chitterling | |
Show Name: | How To Put Your Dreams First & Succeed In The Entertainment Biz | |
Length: | 30 min | |
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Available for Speaking Engagements
Friday, April 24, 2009
Don't Give Up... Its Closer Than You Think
We are all in this together.
Listen to my BlogTalk Radio show every Tuesday at 6pm for Tips from top Career executives and coaches.
Re-Invention Tips To Weather Any Storm
April 21, 2009, New York, NY…It’s no secret that given the economy, it is imperative to market your true authentic self when seeking clients, employment opportunities and growing a business. In an unsettled economy– everyone must develop a BRAND NEW ATTITUDE to “standout” from the competition.
I have put together a PR Re-Invention Plan to help individuals get the opportunity they desire using PR as an empowerment tool. Keep in mind these tips have worked for her past clients from Citibank, Sony Music, D’Angelo, Jill Scott, Mariah Carey, NBA’s Ray Allen and Chris Webber to name a few. Taylor Bass says, “Now is the time to make the economy work for you and be fearless. Sell and position yourself/brand like nobody’s business. Be Your Own Publicist. For every job posting you have thousands of applicants. It is imperative for each person to stand-out and secure the opportunity.”
Here are some sure-fire ways to get your brand noticed, secure the perfect job, market one’s business and STANDOUT, mentioned in my condensed learn as you go soft cover (108 pages), “You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins” A Smart Do-It-Yourself PR Guide For Those On A Budget.
Tips to implement as you create awareness and grow your brand, right now:
1) Think Linearly.
Act with a plan. Identify where you want to work, what salary you want to make, and how you can be an asset to the corporation
2) Be prepared. Is your portfolio screaming, “hire me, I’m desperate?” Keywords are important for coding and garnering an opportunity. Ex: PR Expert instead of Publicist in the experience column will send a stronger message to employers. Play yourself up.
3) Be Viral. The Internet is a force and you must participate. For companies/clients to find you must participate in social networking- for example: (Blogtalkradio, LINKEDIN, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter). Blog 2x a week; e-blast newsletters; Sign up today and start blogging to get your name out there. Prospective Employers are using Google© to learn more about the candidates. Also, it is imperative to have a web presence with a functional, smart, attractive website. A website will give your brand a global presence.
Make certain your incorporate your tagline into all your emails to build brand awareness.
4) Be prepared for the opportunity. Let people know who and what you have to offer. Be your own publicist and bring the hype. Create an electronic media kit listing your skills, accomplishments, and awards. Make certain your presentation is creative, “out of the box” approach and appropriate for your industry. Compose a press release lauding your best work/project.
5) Promote yourself.
Brand you. Remember, you are an authority in your field, so begin to visualize, and execute your plan as if you were a rock star.
Write an Op-Ed piece in your favorite newspaper, journal, magazine and get a byline (this means that you get credit for writing the story) Service the byline to the companies you want to work for and be on their radar. It’s all about impressions and follow-up.
6) Authenticity. You must appear sincere and approachable. Employers/clients want to know that you can deliver. If you say you are the best -- then bring it. Show letters of recommendations, praises from your former boss/project managers, and colleagues. Volunteer your time at a non-profit to keep your skills razor, network and secure job leads.
To purchase "You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins"": A Smart PR Guide For Those On A Budget, visit--,,
Monday, March 9, 2009
This past February, I attended the 4th Annual Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit at the fabulous Ritz Carlton in Orlando. It was my first time attending, and certainly not my last.
OK... let me say the staff at Black Enterprise under the guidance of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Graves sure know how to plan, promote and execute an outstanding event. I had the BEST time.
Everything about the conference was memorable; the food was freakin' delicious; the keynote speakers, especially, Robin Roberts was the B-O-M-B. ... awe inspiring; morning workout with Dr. Amin ( too much sexy in the morning) was uplifting and tiring; the modules ranged from reinvention to retirement. Trust me ... well worth the investment.
2) Networking. Deals are made.
3)Golf, tennis, Spa anyone?
4)Power workout AM session
5)You are not alone in your phase, struggle and success
6)Hear from the best about re-invention, packaging, loving, and health & wellness
7)Learn how to crack the dexterity code, executive coaching, financial
8)Standout speakers like Carla Harris, 'The Power of You"
9)Check your emails all day with the Verizon Internet Lounge
10) Macy's fashion show sponsored by Verizon and hosted by the amazing Audrey Smalls
11) Reconnecting with good friends and simply sharing.
12)Most importantly, you will be Re-Charged and that has no price ticket.
See you next year in Palm Springs.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Chris Brown - Man Up!
All I have to say is Chris Brown needs to man up.
You need to step to the podium and issue a real statement, show remorse for your actions and have a plan of action to deal with your demons. A reconciliation and promising never to do this again is sooo classic battery/abuse/Ike Turner behavior.
Chris Brown fire your "spin" team, they are not helping your profile. You need to turn this around and fast for all concerned. As a mother of 2, with a young daughter, I am drawn to this DRAMEDY. I hear young Black girls and boys on the bus talking... "What did she do to piss him off?" "She had a good thing going with Chris and messed up.? Are you freakin' kiddin' me
This kind of behavior is not normal. Chris Brown has serious problems and the good guy image turned psycho is not sexy. Chris Brown, man up. A generation of folks will think this is normal behavior courtesy of the popular machismo image seen all over the media courtesy of too many young and paid celebrities.
Chris, please take this situation under control and do the right thing.
1) Cease speaking through your representatives. Issuing statements are not working.
2)Fire your over-paid spin doctors
3)Publicly apologize, show remorse and take action for your awful behavior
4)Other than praying and speaking to your pastor, take some real actions
5)Volunteer at a youth center for 1 year (minimum) and mentor young kids about expressing their anger through communication.
6)Volunteer at a group home for girls and listen to their pain
7)Record a song and all the proceeds should go to an organization empowering battered teens/women/men
8) Ice yourself after all this. We need you to go away for a moment.
Chris Brown, Man up!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Be A Do Right Man, Chris Brown Stand Up
This entry is for Chris Brown and his handlers.
Chris, it's time to issue a real statement and empower young Black males, girls and adults to take ownership of their actions.
No one knows what happened that night except for you and Rihanna.
All we know is that something went very wrong that night.
I can't begin to tell you how many young girls and boys have expressed its Rihanna's fault.
Jive Records and Chris Brown do damage control now. Own this horrible incident, propose actual healing steps for young folks.
As a PR Expert, I can advise you of the following:
1) Own the problem. Have you heard the word Mea Culpa?
2)Hold a press conference, publicly apologize profusely and show humility
3)Set up a charity for young men to get help as it relates to anger management and family issues.
4)Volunteer your time to an organization working with young people
5)Release a single to benefit women/families of domestic violence
6) Don't ever put your hands on a woman. That's real wack, weak and inexcusable.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Is It Really Free Speech? NY Post Cartoon InAppropriate
Is It Really Free Speech? NY Post Cartoon InAppropriate
Is it really free speech?This cartoon is simply inappropriate for a myriad of levels. It's blatantly racist.
NY Post you need to be checked.
Why would you portray the President of the United States in this manner? Are you afraid that President Obama will succeed and lead Americans out of this financial calamity caused by the Bush Administration? The NY Post has been against the stimulus package from the beginning citing every reason why it won't work and no real suggestion or indication that maybe ... just maybe... this package could work to stimulate the economy and save everyday people from drowning.
If one of us fail ... we all fail. This is America where all dreams are possible. Right?
All New Yorkers are outraged by the cartoon. This is not a Black thing ... its an American thing.
Get with it.
As a PR Expert, impression and authenticity is everything. I preach to my clients and constituents about accountability. Is this the image and perception you want the "world" to see? I would hope not.
We are all responsible for making a better world.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I thought about what that meant, meditated and came up with the following:
1) Be Sharp. Take 2009 by the balls and know all & everything is possible. The historical Inauguration of President Barack Obama.
2) Brand You. With the economy experiencing a downturn, layoffs everywhere, its time to PROJECT yourself as an EXPERT now.
3) Be Strategic. PR is FREE. Media outlets are clamoring for interesting stories, new experts and a fresh "real" face. Learn secrets to brand you; leverage your brand to mega millions; how to be an internet star so top TV producers can find you. Register for my Caviar PR Boot Camp on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 9:00AM-4:30PM. Pitch your product on the spot to the confirmed speakers.
EARLY VIP RECESSION PRICE - $109 before February 16, 2009
(Includes all boot camp materials and refreshments)
$129.00 After February 15th
Karen Taylor Bass - PR Expert. Best-selling Author. Motivational Speaker. Blogger. Radio Host. Today's competitive market requires leaders to set themselves apart from the status quo. For the past 20 years, I have mastered the art of keeping a fresh edge on the competition using public relations as an empowerment tool.;
LeGrande Green - former Supervising Producer at the Oprah Show and winner of 3 daytime Emmys. Currently at Nickelodeon/Viacom.
Nicholas Hirshon – A prominent staff writer at the New York Daily News covering all beats from culture to politics. NY Daily News boasts a daily readership of 2.5 million.
Rosalind McLymont- is editor-in-chief of The Network Journal, New York's premier magazine for Black professionals and business owners.
Andrew Bass – As Chief Idea Maker of Straight Design, Andrew Bass has spent 20 years perfecting his craft in the areas of identity & branding, editorial design, print media and promotion. His company provides Fortune 500-styled visual strategies for small-businesses and not-for-profits that are simple and direct. Having worked and led various art departments of corporations like ESSENCE Communications. McGraw-Hill, Earl G.Graves, LTD; CMP Media and VNU Business USA.
4) Be Still. Listen to your thoughts and know what you think you and feel will be manifested. Project power, confidence and trust.
5) Be Viral. The Internet is a force and you must participate. For companies to prosper they must participate in social networking- for example: (Blogtalkradio, LINKEDIN, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter). Blog 2x a week; e-blast newsletters; schedule tele-seminars; webinars; and service podcasts.
6) Be Equipped. Buy my book, "You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins" A Smart Do-It Yourself Guide For Those On A Budget; 108 pages filled with "real" information and top contributors to help you secure Caviar PR On A Chitlins Budget. Available February 1, 2009.
7) Be Persistent. N-O means keep trying. Get your message out there and don't take no for an answer. You are an EXPERT, start leveraging now.
8)Be Strategic. Make certain your collaterals (business card, website, bio media kit, etc.) tell your story. Create a marketing budget and hire the most talented man or wo-man.
9) Be No Nonsense. Get up and get going. No more excuses. Start building your brand and sign the mega million opportunity.
10) Network vs. Net worth. Leverage your contacts (network) to introduce you to substantial net worth ($$$).
11) Stay razor!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Yell It From The Mountain Top-- PR = Opportunity
So What The Economy Is In The Toilet
Now Is the Best Time to Position Yourself For An Opportunity Grow Your Business Increase your bottom Line
Check out this article I wrote for The Network Journal, printed November 2008
By Karen Taylor Bass
The economy is bad, however, now is the BEST time to become an entrepreneur. Build your brand, know your niche, have a plan and most importantly, know how to get FREE PR to build a successful brand and get noticed.
Here are a several signature steps to separate your BRAND and MISSION from the COMPETITION.
You want it so bad … you can taste, drink, and see your success. Are you ready for success? Is your team in place? Many times people are not prepared for the avalanche of blessings when they occur, please be ready. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1) Be prepared. Success can smell success. Have that look about you, dress appropriately, and have your message on hand to deliver the pitch and close the deal. If you believe in your product others will come to the party in a matter of time.
2) Reputation is everything. Let you work and rep speak for you. If you give your word, honor it. Don’t commit if you cannot meet deadline – people always remember the screw up.
3) Be outspoken. If you don’t agree with someone’s agenda or how they are positioning your product speak up. Being amenable to everything will not garner fans, only enemies down the line.
4) Be well rounded. Make certain that you are always briefed on current events; this will empower you to have a conversation with any CEO, mogul or average Joe.
5) Be proactive. If there is someone that you want to get in contact with – reach out. Write a letter, send an email, and make a call, look within your circle for a connection. Work in that order and you will get results.
6) Never too busy. Time is a premium and you are a priority. Make certain that you treat yourself and others that way. If someone is reaching out to you, then you must respond in a timely fashion. Karma is everything.
7) Get to know the “team.” Don’t be an elitist and ignore the administrative assistant, reception, mailroom clerks, etc. They are the ones really running the company and are privy to information. Say hello to everyone and become allies with those in the “know” don’t get confused with office trappings (corner office, title, expense account).
8) Be Wacky to stand out. Make your own rules. Send Christmas/Holiday cards in June; Valentine Cards in December. Set your own tone and be noticed.
9) Stay out of gossip. Don’t get caught up not minding your business, which means not taking care of your money. If you have an opinion, speak directly to the respective party you have an “issue” with.
10) Dream vampires. I would not advise you to share your dream with people unless they are like - minded and posses the same energy as you. Record your dreams in a journal and talk with God.
11) Network and utilize your connection. I don’t know why we always forget to tap into our database and circle. Join organizations to widen your networking base and utilize your friends/co-workers/affiliation to make the introduction for you.
12) Empower yourself and others. Real simple – give back to others from a sacred space and be counted. You can volunteer, make a contribution or just be there for someone in need.
13) Be consistent. If you provide service a certain way … continue to provide it that same way, only BETTER.
14) Be Viral. The Internet is a force and you must participate. For companies to prosper they must register with an online social network for connections (LINKEDIN, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter); blog; e-blast newsletters; webinars; and podcast.
15) Smile and look engaging.
Caviar Moment: Get out there and be counted. Be purposeful, be poised, and be consistent.
Excerpt taken from the forthcoming book – ©You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins – A Smart Do-It-Yourself- PR Guide For Those On A Budget.; Available - January 25, 2009.