Thursday, January 15, 2009


A dear friend of mine, Sharron Troupe, sent me an email at the closing of December 31st and it truly resonated with me. There was one line that said "Stay Razor in '09!"

I thought about what that meant, meditated and came up with the following:

1) Be Sharp. Take 2009 by the balls and know all & everything is possible. The historical Inauguration of President Barack Obama.

2) Brand You. With the economy experiencing a downturn, layoffs everywhere, its time to PROJECT yourself as an EXPERT now.

3) Be Strategic. PR is FREE. Media outlets are clamoring for interesting stories, new experts and a fresh "real" face. Learn secrets to brand you; leverage your brand to mega millions; how to be an internet star so top TV producers can find you. Register for my Caviar PR Boot Camp on Saturday, February 21, 2009, 9:00AM-4:30PM. Pitch your product on the spot to the confirmed speakers.
EARLY VIP RECESSION PRICE - $109 before February 16, 2009
(Includes all boot camp materials and refreshments)
$129.00 After February 15th

Karen Taylor Bass - PR Expert. Best-selling Author. Motivational Speaker. Blogger. Radio Host. Today's competitive market requires leaders to set themselves apart from the status quo. For the past 20 years, I have mastered the art of keeping a fresh edge on the competition using public relations as an empowerment tool.;

LeGrande Green - former Supervising Producer at the Oprah Show and winner of 3 daytime Emmys. Currently at Nickelodeon/Viacom.

Nicholas Hirshon – A prominent staff writer at the New York Daily News covering all beats from culture to politics. NY Daily News boasts a daily readership of 2.5 million.

Rosalind McLymont- is editor-in-chief of The Network Journal, New York's premier magazine for Black professionals and business owners.

Andrew Bass – As Chief Idea Maker of Straight Design, Andrew Bass has spent 20 years perfecting his craft in the areas of identity & branding, editorial design, print media and promotion. His company provides Fortune 500-styled visual strategies for small-businesses and not-for-profits that are simple and direct. Having worked and led various art departments of corporations like ESSENCE Communications. McGraw-Hill, Earl G.Graves, LTD; CMP Media and VNU Business USA.

4) Be Still. Listen to your thoughts and know what you think you and feel will be manifested. Project power, confidence and trust.

5) Be Viral. The Internet is a force and you must participate. For companies to prosper they must participate in social networking- for example: (Blogtalkradio, LINKEDIN, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter). Blog 2x a week; e-blast newsletters; schedule tele-seminars; webinars; and service podcasts.

6) Be Equipped. Buy my book, "You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins" A Smart Do-It Yourself Guide For Those On A Budget; 108 pages filled with "real" information and top contributors to help you secure Caviar PR On A Chitlins Budget. Available February 1, 2009.

7) Be Persistent. N-O means keep trying. Get your message out there and don't take no for an answer. You are an EXPERT, start leveraging now.

8)Be Strategic. Make certain your collaterals (business card, website, bio media kit, etc.) tell your story. Create a marketing budget and hire the most talented man or wo-man.

9) Be No Nonsense. Get up and get going. No more excuses. Start building your brand and sign the mega million opportunity.

10) Network vs. Net worth. Leverage your contacts (network) to introduce you to substantial net worth ($$$).

11) Stay razor!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Yell It From The Mountain Top-- PR = Opportunity

So What The Economy Is In The Toilet
Now Is the Best Time to Position Yourself For An Opportunity Grow Your Business Increase your bottom Line
Check out this article I wrote for The Network Journal, printed November 2008

Positioning Yourself for an Opportunity
By Karen Taylor Bass

The economy is bad, however, now is the BEST time to become an entrepreneur. Build your brand, know your niche, have a plan and most importantly, know how to get FREE PR to build a successful brand and get noticed.

Here are a several signature steps to separate your BRAND and MISSION from the COMPETITION.

You want it so bad … you can taste, drink, and see your success. Are you ready for success? Is your team in place? Many times people are not prepared for the avalanche of blessings when they occur, please be ready. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1) Be prepared. Success can smell success. Have that look about you, dress appropriately, and have your message on hand to deliver the pitch and close the deal. If you believe in your product others will come to the party in a matter of time.

2) Reputation is everything. Let you work and rep speak for you. If you give your word, honor it. Don’t commit if you cannot meet deadline – people always remember the screw up.

3) Be outspoken. If you don’t agree with someone’s agenda or how they are positioning your product speak up. Being amenable to everything will not garner fans, only enemies down the line.

4) Be well rounded. Make certain that you are always briefed on current events; this will empower you to have a conversation with any CEO, mogul or average Joe.

5) Be proactive. If there is someone that you want to get in contact with – reach out. Write a letter, send an email, and make a call, look within your circle for a connection. Work in that order and you will get results.

6) Never too busy. Time is a premium and you are a priority. Make certain that you treat yourself and others that way. If someone is reaching out to you, then you must respond in a timely fashion. Karma is everything.

7) Get to know the “team.” Don’t be an elitist and ignore the administrative assistant, reception, mailroom clerks, etc. They are the ones really running the company and are privy to information. Say hello to everyone and become allies with those in the “know” don’t get confused with office trappings (corner office, title, expense account).

8) Be Wacky to stand out. Make your own rules. Send Christmas/Holiday cards in June; Valentine Cards in December. Set your own tone and be noticed.

9) Stay out of gossip. Don’t get caught up not minding your business, which means not taking care of your money. If you have an opinion, speak directly to the respective party you have an “issue” with.

10) Dream vampires. I would not advise you to share your dream with people unless they are like - minded and posses the same energy as you. Record your dreams in a journal and talk with God.

11) Network and utilize your connection. I don’t know why we always forget to tap into our database and circle. Join organizations to widen your networking base and utilize your friends/co-workers/affiliation to make the introduction for you.

12) Empower yourself and others. Real simple – give back to others from a sacred space and be counted. You can volunteer, make a contribution or just be there for someone in need.

13) Be consistent. If you provide service a certain way … continue to provide it that same way, only BETTER.

14) Be Viral. The Internet is a force and you must participate. For companies to prosper they must register with an online social network for connections (LINKEDIN, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter); blog; e-blast newsletters; webinars; and podcast.

15) Smile and look engaging.

Caviar Moment: Get out there and be counted. Be purposeful, be poised, and be consistent.

Excerpt taken from the forthcoming book – ©You Want Caviar But Have Money For Chitlins – A Smart Do-It-Yourself- PR Guide For Those On A Budget.; Available - January 25, 2009.

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    Your Essential PR Tool Kit - 60 Minutes

    "Priceless PR"

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    Article featuring Karen Taylor Bass in Black Enterprise, August 2008