Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let's Talk About Tiger Woods And The Elephant In The Room

Honestly, I really don't care about Tiger Woods transgression(s) ... its not my business.

What I do find interesting is the modern day witch hunt of Brand Tiger Woods by the media. Isn't this a private matter? Is it unheard of for a man of Mr. Woods stature to cheat? Absolutely not.

Why has this become such a front page story, what makes this so interesting? How can this be b-r-e-a-k-i-n-g n-e-w-s? Men cheat all the time, regardless, of their social stature. Mel Gibson had an affair, left his wife, expecting or had a baby with his new babe, and, no real witch hunt for Mr. Gibson.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room, Tiger Woods and Race.

America looks different. The image of the Black man representing the new millennium is powerful, smart, good- looking, rich and a family man. Meet Tiger Woods, Dwayne "Rock"Johnson, Derek Jeter and President Barack Obama -- to name a few. These men are their own respective powerful brands, and lifestyle influencers.

America still has trouble accepting and talking about RACE -- the ultimate elephant-- race.

Race has become more of an overt issue (since the inauguration of our president) as how white folks deal with the new "Black" man. Think about it.

Let's just deal with Tiger Woods at this moment. Tiger Woods as I can recall, never publicly talked about his "blackness," although he is Black. Yes, you are mixed, however, America only sees a Black man -- rightfully so.

The media witch hunt for Tiger Woods has been brutal with hoochies and sources coming from everywhere.

What made this affair different from other hi-profile trysts? Why did CNN consider this breaking news? Is it because he is a Black man married to the "ideal" societal image of beauty? Is it because Tiger cheated with women of less ilk? Or, is it because he simply cheated and became human to many?

Regardless of the reason, I still don't care about Tiger's private life; his sponsors don't seem to care much about his private life either.

I am concerned about (more) troops being deployed to Afghanistan, health care and employment opportunities.

Let's move beyond this and allow the Woods' to deal with their private matter.

At least Brand Tiger has helped magazine sales, TV viewership and all other mediums during this economic tsunami.

My suggestions for Tiger are real simple:
1) Create A New Image. Come out of hiding and take your kids for ice cream. Be seen as the quintessential father.
2) Give Back . Make a generous donation to a worthy foundation publicly or simply manage the information the media is reporting.
3)Do what you do best. You are a golfer, go out there and make it happen.
4) Stop sending text messages to hoochies. No need to explain this one.


redstripe85 said...

This is one of the craziest race related post I have seen in a while. Tiger is an icon. He has been marketed as the consumate family man. From his relationship to his dad, mom and his wife and kids. This is not about Tiger being black. I never heard anyone say that he was white while on the golf course. Get a grip.

Pam Perry, PR Coach said...

Yes, with your #3 - he should of taken note from former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick! I think everyone started texting a little different afer his fall from grace........

Good post. Thoughtful. Thanks Karen!

Pam Perry,

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