Friday, August 29, 2008

Smell, Taste & Feel ... A New Day

I don't know how to say what I really feel. All week I have been glued to the television and experiencing the magic of the DNC. As an immigrant, entrepreneur, mother, wife, there are so so many things that resonated with the past week and lets not forget the historical nature of a Black man accepting the nomination from a major political party. Can't say enough about Barack's speech last night ... surreal

So many people including my grandmother lived to see this spectacular moment.

I know that America is ready for CHANGE. Pres. Gore said it best ... "I'm all about recycling but this takes the cake ... another four years of the same."

I have witnessed firsthand how my business has suffered from many of the small biz rules enforced by Jr. Bush; the entertainment industry, specifically music, has taken a major nose dive and stocks and investments that were once safe are questionable. Health care, please. At TMM, our monthly small biz health premium for PPO is almost a mortgage which is ridiculous. So, what am I saying? Well, this current administration has jacked up the economy and really made it challenging for everyday people to WIN. No more.

Yes, I know the road won't be easy, however, the core fundamental values on education, health care, tax cuts, foreign policy, care for our veterans, same sex marriage, pro-choice cannot go into the wrong hands. Also, whomever wins the presidential race will nominate 3 to the office of Supreme Court.

Please get involved in the political process. Let's smell, taste, feel and live a new day for the next generation.

ps: I won't even comment on McCain's selection for VP... I don't know enough about Sarah Palin. Will say it is a reaction to the DNC and the magic of change that is in the air.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Let's Talk About Race Baby...

Hello, its been a long time since I posted something. How are you doing? Is the summer treating you well?

So much is going on... gas is up, 4 day work week might become a reality, and we are on the verge of having an African-American in the White House. YEEES!

It is such a surreal thought, when you think that in a few weeks, Barack Obama will go from "presumptive" nominee to Democratic nominee. What will this mean for people of color? And, what about the REAL elephant in the room, the media refuses to talk about ... race and why it matters? CNN has an exit poll every hour and they can't seem to figure what why Barack is stalled in the polls... well, the man is Black, White Americans might want CHANGE but from a Black man is a tough pill to swallow. Feel me? If we are going to change the party occupancy at 1600 pennsylvania ave, folks are going to have to get over the RACE game and get into the CHANGE game. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, old, young, must vote for a "CHANGE" and that happen with the election of Barack Obama.

TV-One in an unprecedented move will broadcast live from Denver, August 25-28, 8-11pm with an amazing team of journalists: Roland Martin, Hill Harper, Jacque Reid, Michael Eric Dyson, Marcia Dyson and so many more. What I love about this coverage is that TV-One is committed to capturing the Democratic National Convention from the African American angle which has NEVER been done. Let's support TV-One and give them record ratings each night and LET the mainstream media know that we are multi-dimensional and care about a myriad of issues and not just booty shakin' videos.

Tune in to my show Caviar & Chitlins on Tuesday, August 19th, 6:30pm and hear from my guest Susan Banks, Executive Vice President, Marketing and Creative Services at TV-One. Susan Banks will share with us what to expect from TV-One's coverage and why TV-One is going all out to make certain that OUR voices are heard.

One Love!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Black Moses and the King of Comedy

I truly felt the news of the untimely passing of Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes over the weekend. Both men felt like family ... you know that feeling when you get choked up and say, "I just talked to them?" That is the testament of their POWER, where they impacted my household and you felt like they were family. I did not know them other than brief encounters during work.

I am still in denial about their passing. For me, Issac Hayes was the quintessential Black Man ... African Man... Black Moses. A proud man, wore his African-ness on his sleeve, motivated and inspired tons of generations and created music with heart, love, passion and purpose -- "Hot Buttered Soul." I met Mr. Hayes once when he was the morning DJ at KISS-FM, and I was at the radio station with a client. Let me tell you it was 7:30AM, and this man was not only regal but REAL down to earth and lively. No "star" attitude, just REAL. I became an even bigger fan and follower.

The Mac Man was truly the King of Comedy. I loved the movement of Kings of Comedy movie and how it shattered box-office records and said **** Hollywood, way before there was a Tyler Perry, these men did it their way and motivated us all to take our game to the next level. Deepness. After the success of KINGS, Hollywood never gave them the press and glory they deserved, however, these KINGS became undeniable and masters of all medium. God is good. It was Bernie that made me LOOOOOVE the Kings of Comedy, this man had the gift of storytelling... he was the Toni Morrison of comedy.

My heart goes out to their families, and what a life they LIVED. Thank you for the moments, encouragement, laughter, music, and REGAL-NESS. God Bless Black Moses and The MAC.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blogging, Pitching, Balancing ...

Hello there!
This is monumental moment for me because I have set up my very own blog. Yeah! Movement is great.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not new to blogging, however, only in the capacity as a contributor (check out PR Distinction). With so much to say, I thought it was time to have my own. Don't you agree?

This blog will help me live my dreams out loud and grow. Currently, I am enjoying the growth of my brand -- Karen Taylor Bass. I have always loved PR, rather passionately and never really understood how to make it work for me and empower people at the same time. Well, I have figured it out.

I am featured in the August issue of Black Enterprise, a dream realized, waiting to hear from Jesse Jackson's camp to appear on my; selling many eBooks per week on educating small biz on PR and how to do it themselves; and, the biggest challenge losing 35 pounds from the birth of my daughter (she is now 13 months). Is there a pill I can take for real weight loss?

As I grow, my relationships are changing exponentially. Folks that I have battle scars with I really don't speak at present. Is that part of growing? Not certain, if you have insights let me know.

Just thoughts... Loved Diddy's show last night on MTV. It really seduced me and truly not a fan of his. Deepness. Can't wait for the Democratic Convention this month, let's see what transpires with Barack, VP elect and Clinton's crazy supporters.

More later.

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    Article featuring Karen Taylor Bass in Black Enterprise, August 2008